Radio Art Zone book

Edited by: Sarah Washington.
Graphic Design: Lloyd Dunn

This 236 page book explores the themes and techniques of artist-made radio emerging from over 20 years of practice in the field. Interspersed with newly commissioned works ranging from micro-essays and texts on radio form, practice and poetics, to radio plays and illustrations —includes ‘Birth of a Signal’ text and artwork, Radio Art Zone book is full of unique images which allow the imagination to expand outward into radio space.

Birth of a Signal is a 22 hour radio programme that takes a sideways look at the history of les grandes ondes in France, a Radio Art Zone commission, for European Capital of Culture Esch2022. Incorporating personal archives, field recordings, mechanical murmurings, electro-magnetics, technical logs, short wave scans, generative sounds and interviews we  follow the Birth of a Signal, from microphone to receiver.
Listen here